about us

The Apiary is a female-focused luxury co-working space where ambition meets collaboration. We provide a nurturing environment for female entrepreneurs and allies to grow, connect, and lead with confidence.

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A woman working on her laptop

the story behind the hive

As a female entrepreneur of a growing consulting business working from home 100% of the time, Cara found herself craving connection. With four teenagers and a needy dog at home, finding focus was often a challenge. It all came to a head one day when she struggled to find a quiet space for a private meeting, away from the chaos of garage doors, barking dogs, and teenagers at her door.

After a failed search for a local meeting space, she realized they either felt intimidating—filled with established professionals—or simply didn’t meet the needs of a busy entrepreneur. 

A few days later she attended The Atelier Collective, an inspiring event packed with incredible women entrepreneurs and their champions. Inspired by a visioning exercise at the event, Cara decided to harness the energy of over 300 inspiring women in the room and create a luxurious, welcoming co-working space for women—somewhere soft, feminine, and empowering. And the rest is history.

The Apiary came to life because of the belief and support of a strong community. Through manifestation, conversations, courage, ambition, and grit, we built this hive for women to thrive together.

The outside of the Apiary

it’s all about collaboration

At The Apiary, we believe that success comes from working together. Our team is a dynamic group of passionate women, each bringing unique strengths and expertise to the table.

Together, we create a supportive, collaborative environment where every member’s voice is heard, and every idea has the chance to flourish.

Get in Touch

Cara Krezek


Cara thrives on ideation and activation, using her unique ability to connect with others (WOO) and communicate visionary ideas that inspire action. Her strength in individualization ensures every member of The Apiary feels seen and valued as they work toward their goals.

Jillian Nero

chief operations strategist

With a strong sense of responsibility and a restorative mindset, Jillian excels at solving challenges and developing effective strategies. Her empathy and deep relationships help build a nurturing environment where members feel supported and empowered to grow.

Rachel Lonergan

community manager

Driven by her belief and empathy, Rachel brings a sense of purpose and connection to everything she does. As a natural learner and achiever, she builds a community that fosters growth, drawing on context to support each member's journey toward success.

our core

  • our purpose

    To be the place where queen bees flourish.

  • our vision

    As a cornerstone of Canadian communities, we strive to create a safe and inclusive space where anybody who identifies as a queen bee belongs. 

  • our values

    Community, Harmony, Ambition, Nurturing, Courage and Evolution

    Read more about our values here

  • our mission

    At The Apiary, our mission is to empower female entrepreneurs, those who identify as female, and female allies by fostering a supportive, inclusive community. We provide a nurturing environment where members can thrive personally and professionally, offering resources such as leadership coaching, lifestyle support, and collaborative opportunities. Through innovation, collaboration, and shared ambition, we strive to inspire each member to achieve their full potential and create meaningful impact in their businesses and beyond.

community impact

We believe that co-working spaces represent the future of work, offering flexibility and a sense of community that traditional offices often lack. We are building hubs that cater to the unique needs of female entrepreneurs, providing not just a workspace but a community where they can thrive.

Our focus on awakening ambition, embracing community, bravely tackling what matters, nurturing each other, integrating balance and being resourceful in changing times makes us a place where ideas grow, businesses evolve, and members are empowered to create lasting impact in their industries and beyond.

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